2018 – Our Year In Review

2018 was a year of lots of changes at Bridge for Billions. Read on to learn more about what we’ve been up to and what to expect in the year ahead.

As we gear up for the exciting new year ahead, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what has been our most successful year to date. 2018 was a year of transformation for Bridge for Billions; we grew in more ways than we could’ve imagined!

This year we raised our first investment round, garnering $550k from business angels, family offices and impact investors. This has allowed us to add seven (7) new team members to our family, all of whom offer up a wealth of experience and international perspectives that continue to make our product and programs even better.

With the help of our trusted mentors, this year we were able to help 325 entrepreneurs develop their projects from a fledgling idea to a fully-formed and validated visual business plan. These entrepreneurs came to us from over 40 countries and from every continent. Our goal for 2019 is to continue growing so that we can reach even more entrepreneurs and provide access to opportunity.

But our biggest change to date has been: our new brand identity!

We’re also very excited to announce that we will be launching a new version of our product after reviewing feedback from over the past two (2) years…so stay tuned for more!

Bridge for Billions’ entrepreneurs are problem solvers that come from all sectors and fields of business. Each of their journeys through our program has helped us to evolve as a product, as a team, and as a company. After three years of developing our industry-validated digital incubation program, The Leap, Bridge for Billions’ renovated goal is to become a global digital ecosystem that connects people to impulse growth opportunities for all its stakeholders: entrepreneurs, mentors, companies, organizations, and governments. Bridge for Billions is the architect of entrepreneurship programs — or bridges — that unlock growth opportunities on both sides.

With this ambitious goal, Bridge for Billions will continue to spread our belief that innovation cannot happen without collaboration.

Join us as we continue to develop tools and co-create resources with a key motivation in mind: changing the world, one business at a time.

Related topics: About Us, Year in Review

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