Meet Alex, Community Manager at Bridge for Billions

Have you met Alex? An ocean lover from Portugal, she takes care of our Community of entrepreneurs and mentors every day and makes sure they’re getting the best out of their experience in The Leap.

Have you met Alex? She comes from a sunny town near Lisbon in Portugal, and works relentlessly to make sure that the Entrepreneurs and Mentors in our Community are getting the best out of their experience during the program.

We wanted you to get to know her better so here are a few pieces about what she likes to do when she’s not taking care of all our users!

When she wakes up, she likes to open the windows to let the sun inside and turns on the radio in her phone while getting ready to come to the office. When she was younger she wanted to be an international diplomat. Thank God, she ended up being a Bridge builder. She studied economics, business, finance and of course, social entrepreneurship.

She doesn’t like to reduce a person to a quote but if she had to choose it would be “Nothing is true, all is permitted”, this means that we don’t have to take things for granted, anything, in any other context or approach may be possible. She’s more of a book than a movie person so here we have her top three: The Stranger by Albert Camus, Blindness by José Saramago and Hunger by Martón Caparros.

She enjoys summer camping seaside or doing her favorite sports, scuba diving, hiking and yoga. On Netflix, she always filters by series based on real events – but on a typical Saturday night she’s more probably out with friends, having tapas around La Latina or Lavapies in Madrid (her home for the time being and where we have our main offices).

We say for the time being because if she wasn’t in Bridge for Billions, she would be traveling the world without a final destination – although she would certainly pass through or maybe stay in Australia, where she would keep pampering our Community remotely. But right now we’re very grateful to have her with us in Madrid because it just wouldn’t be the same without her!

Before Bridge for Billions, she did it all. In the past 10 years, she worked as an account manager in corporate banking and finance. She later moved to project management and partnerships for ONG’s and other social impact initiatives. She worked in bars and restaurants for a while to support her personal projects until she finally joined Bridge for Billions by late 2018.

She was actually a mentor before being in our operations team. She fell in love with the projects and how easy it was to help entrepreneurs build their ventures from the comfort of her house. She just needed her laptop to change the world.

Alex works side to side with our entrepreneurs and mentors, she’s the one helping them cross the bridge. We offer educational and work tools to everyone who is really interested in entrepreneurship activities. That’s what she calls true empowerment: it’s all about the possibility to give access to structure, support and bringing together a global ecosystem able to co-create and develop. Systemic impact, that’s how Alex wants to spend all her energy. 

As inspiring as she is, she would also like to meet more inspiring people. She would have a coffee with Graca Machel to ask her all types of questions but mostly to listen and admire her, for drinks she’d want Rodrigo Amarante to join her and maybe enjoy some music.

Related topics: Bridge for Billions, Team

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