Strengthening Local Entrepreneurship: Bridge for Billions ToT Programs

Bridge for Billions is dedicated to democratizing entrepreneurship through incubation programs that empower early stage entrepreneurs. One of the cornerstones of our approach is our ToT (Train of Trainers) Programs, designed to train Local Entrepreneurship Support Organizations and strengthen local entrepreneurship ecosystems.
Programas ToT de Bridge for Billions

Welcome to our series of articles about the innovative programs of Bridge for Billions. Throughout this series, we will explore in detail how our programs are transforming the global entrepreneurship landscape, empowering early-stage entrepreneurs and strengthening support ecosystems. Each article will focus on one of our three main types of programs: Direct Programs, ToT (Train of Trainers) Programs, and the Conecta Program. This article is the second in our series. If you want to learn more about our other programs, you can read about Direct Programs and Conecta Program.

The ToT (Train of Trainers) Programs of Bridge for Billions are designed to work hand in hand with local Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (ESOs). We enhance their capacity to implement effective and personalized incubation programs. These programs are funded by a variety of organizations, including corporations, foundations, development agencies, and governments.

With these programs, organizations aim to achieve different goals:

  • Foster economic growth and job creation.
  • Strengthen local entrepreneurship ecosystems.
  • Promote access to opportunities for all people.
  • Support the development of solutions to real problems.
  • Engage their workforce to become mentors.

Strategic collaboration

The ToT Programs begin with close collaboration between Bridge for Billions and local ESOs. Together, we design programs specific to local needs and contexts, ensuring greater relevance and effectiveness. Additionally, this collaboration allows for deep customization, adapting to the particularities of each region.

Training and support

One of the key components of the ToT Programs is the training of trainers. We train ESO teams in incubation methodologies, program management, and sustainability strategies. This approach not only improves the quality of the programs but also strengthens the long-term capabilities of the ESOs.

Localized implementation

With the continuous support of Bridge for Billions, ESOs implement incubation programs that can support between 30-40 entrepreneurs with the help of 40-80 mentors in each cohort. These programs include expert sessions, personalized mentoring, and the use of our digital incubation platform.

Measurable results

Our ToT Programs have proven their effectiveness in various regions. In each case, ESOs report significant improvements in diversity, collaboration skills, and digital competencies. Additionally, ESO leaders feel better prepared for leadership roles and observe more effective monitoring of business progress.


The results of the ToT Programs are impressive. They have strengthened local entrepreneurship ecosystems and promoted access to opportunities for all people. They have also supported the development of solutions to real problems, engaging the workforce to become mentors.

A notable example of our programs is the collaboration with UNEP in the Restoration Factory. This program, developed with UNEP, has created a replicable hybrid incubation model for entrepreneurs focused on environmental restoration.


The ToT Programs of Bridge for Billions represent a powerful approach to strengthening entrepreneurship at the local level. By training and supporting ESOs, we not only expand the impact of our programs but also contribute to the creation of more robust and sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystems. Join us and be part of this transformation!

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