Podcast: Urban architecture, Covid-19 and designing spaces for a new normal

How can we solve the urban design challenges society now faces? We catch up with Sameera Chukkapalli, Founder and Director of Needlab shares her thoughts and advice on creating the meaningful spaces society needs.

In this Episode

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, not only are we realizing the need for safe public and private spaces, but we’re noticing more than ever that the majority of existing urban models just aren’t sustainable or people focused. 

Sameera Chukkapalli, Founder and Director of Needlab shares her thoughts on creating the spaces for a “new normal”.


Meet Our Guest Sameera Chukkapalli

As an advanced architect and director of Needlab (Barcelona, Spain) Sameera spends most of her time drafting human and environment-centred design solutions with communities around the world. Currently, she is driven towards solving the UN Sustainable development Goals and making sustainable design solutions reachable to all:

‘I founded Needlab, after completing my Masters and Postgraduate studies in Architecture and Robotics from IAAC. Needlab is a not for profit organisation aimed to solve problems related to habitat and urban resilience in cities and rural communities. We have completed 46 projects on 4 continents – directly impacting more than 5000 people. I feel truly fortunate to be a Yunus and Youth Fellow, FAB City Fellow, SIMP Leader, recipient of Design for all ” GOOD Practice” Award and to have received the honour to speak at the UN-Habitat Assembly 2019, Nairobi, Kenya.

I’m currently working on “House for all” initiative which is a transdisciplinary based methodology that combines primacy of science and practice to sustainably solve the societal problem of secondary and tertiary homelessness.’

Projects mentioned in the episode

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Needlab has been recently selected for Bridge for Billion’s flagship online incubation program, The Leap, could you be next? Click here to learn more.

Or, to learn more about the impactful and change-making work of Needlab, click here 

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