Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: from your organization to the world

December, Tuesday 14th 1 PM - 2:30 PM EST

(12 AM CST / 11 AM MST / 10 AM PST)

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Event summary

In today’s world of business, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are sometimes treated as hot topics or even buzzwords but are often not followed through with the efforts and resources they deserve. DEI is much more than a movement, it’s part of a groundbreaking social transformation that is already (and will permanently) affect corporate culture and operations.

With ongoing social movements (such as BlackLivesMatter and MeToo, among others) gaining momentum in recent years, DEI is now on everyone’s agenda and, as corporations, we need to make sure we make it the core of our business if we want to drive real progress.

There are no clear guidelines or a one-size-fits-all strategy to develop successful DEI initiatives, but there’s something clear: once understood the real meaning and implications of DEI, it can bring great value to companies, and therefore society, in many different areas.

In this event, we will explore the role of corporations making DEI a priority, and thus seeing every facet of their organization benefit: from having more diverse and innovative teams that make better decisions to getting better shareholder returns, better company reputation, and higher implications and more responsibility with today’s social demands.


Vice President at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Global Head, Chief Social Responsibility Officer at Tata Consultancy Services.

Managing Director at Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at United Way Worldwide.

Event agenda

10:00 a.m. ET

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet arcu vitae ante pulvinar ultricies. Proin dignissim odio tellus, sed efficitur tellus fermentum id. Curabitur id leo arcu. Maecenas quis tellus ut massa mattis auctor. Phasellus tellus mauris, aliquet eu est vitae, aliquet vestibulum nulla. Suspendisse mi ligula, posuere ut elit id, mattis porttitor ante. Mauris in dui orci. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur pulvinar eu felis nec dignissim.

10:00 a.m. ET

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet arcu vitae ante pulvinar ultricies. Proin dignissim odio tellus, sed efficitur tellus fermentum id. Curabitur id leo arcu. Maecenas quis tellus ut massa mattis auctor. Phasellus tellus mauris, aliquet eu est vitae, aliquet vestibulum nulla. Suspendisse mi ligula, posuere ut elit id, mattis porttitor ante. Mauris in dui orci. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur pulvinar eu felis nec dignissim.

10:00 a.m. ET

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet arcu vitae ante pulvinar ultricies. Proin dignissim odio tellus, sed efficitur tellus fermentum id. Curabitur id leo arcu. Maecenas quis tellus ut massa mattis auctor. Phasellus tellus mauris, aliquet eu est vitae, aliquet vestibulum nulla. Suspendisse mi ligula, posuere ut elit id, mattis porttitor ante. Mauris in dui orci. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur pulvinar eu felis nec dignissim.

10:00 a.m. ET

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet arcu vitae ante pulvinar ultricies. Proin dignissim odio tellus, sed efficitur tellus fermentum id. Curabitur id leo arcu. Maecenas quis tellus ut massa mattis auctor. Phasellus tellus mauris, aliquet eu est vitae, aliquet vestibulum nulla. Suspendisse mi ligula, posuere ut elit id, mattis porttitor ante. Mauris in dui orci. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur pulvinar eu felis nec dignissim.

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Innovation for All

In a world where innovative solutions only benefit the privileged, we must proactively democratize access to quality entrepreneurship support worldwide. It’s in the act of supporting all types of innovators, we’ll see entrepreneurs unleashing their entrepreneurial potential to generate all kinds of sustainable solutions to the problems that truly matter. 

We create events for those who have an active role in rebuilding the entrepreneurship ecosystem towards a more inclusive and efficient one. Spaces to connect, share best practices and change the meaning of the word “innovation”.


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